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Chris James Cellars Dinner @ Urban Decanter


November 10, 2024


5:00pm - 7:00pm

Im on the right track


Urban Decanter



Chris James Cellars Dinner @ Urban Decanter

About this Event

Sunday, November 10th. 5pm || Urban Decanter

Join us for a fantastic wine and dine experience at Urban Decanter in beautiful downtown Forest Grove!

Chef Jeremy Lees of Urban Decanter has created an amazing selection of culinary delights to be paired with our delightful wines.
The evening will begin with a starter pour of our best-selling 2023 Sparkling Dolcetto as you get settled. Then you will enjoy a perfectly paired 4-course dinner as Beth talks about each wine and tells the story of Chris James Cellars.

This not to be missed event will be limited to 30 people!

Reservations available on Open Table. Get your tickets now!

Club members get a discount on tickets. (Choose Wine Club option under the details after selecting the 5pm time.)

    "ID": 56121,
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    "post_date": "2024-09-16 11:48:30",
    "post_date_gmt": "2024-09-16 18:48:30",
    "post_content": "Sunday, November 10th. 5pm || Urban Decanter\r\n\r\nJoin us for a fantastic wine and dine experience at Urban Decanter in beautiful downtown Forest Grove!\r\n\r\nChef Jeremy Lees of Urban Decanter has created an amazing selection of culinary delights to be paired with our delightful wines.\r\nThe evening will begin with a starter pour of our best-selling 2023 Sparkling Dolcetto as you get settled. Then you will enjoy a perfectly paired 4-course dinner as Beth talks about each wine and tells the story of Chris James Cellars.\r\n\r\nThis not to be missed event will be limited to 30 people!\r\n\r\nReservations available on Open Table. Get your tickets now!\r\n\r\nClub members get a discount on tickets. (Choose Wine Club option under the details after selecting the 5pm time.)",
    "post_title": "Chris James Cellars Dinner @ Urban Decanter",
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    "address": "2001 Main St.",
    "country": "United States",
    "city": "Forest Grove",
    "state_province": "OR",
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    "zip": "97116",
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    "website": "https:\/\/urbandecanter.com\/",
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        "address": "2001 Main St., Forest Grove, OR, 97116, United States",
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Contact the Venue

Urban Decanter

2001 Main St.
Forest Grove, OR 97116