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Learn to Line Dance with Shirley of Dance Your Boots Off

About this Event

Dust off those cowboy boots and come join us and learn to Line Dance with Shirley, the owner of Dance Your Boots Off. Shirley started with Jazz Dancing, then moved into Line Dancing and decided to start doing classes.

You do not need experience. This is a teaching class. We hope you will join us.

Date: October 4, 2024
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Cost: $5 presale tickets online until 4pm the day of the event
At The Door: $10 after 4pm
This is a 21 and Up Event
No outside food or beverage allowed (including water)

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    "post_date": "2024-09-06 15:33:25",
    "post_date_gmt": "2024-09-06 22:33:25",
    "post_content": "Dust off those cowboy boots and come join us and learn to Line Dance with Shirley, the owner of Dance Your Boots Off. Shirley started with Jazz Dancing, then moved into Line Dancing and decided to start doing classes.\r\n\r\nYou do not need experience. This is a teaching class. We hope you will join us.\r\n\r\nDate: October 4, 2024\r\nTime: 6pm - 8pm\r\nCost: $5 presale tickets online until 4pm the day of the event\r\nAt The Door: $10 after 4pm\r\nThis is a 21 and Up Event\r\nNo outside food or beverage allowed (including water)",
    "post_title": "Learn to Line Dance with Shirley of Dance Your Boots Off",
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Contact the Venue

Oak Knoll Winery

29700 SW Burkhalter RD
Hillsboro, OR 97123