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PDX Urban Wineries Holiday Pop Up Shop

About this Event

Join us for our 2nd Annual Holiday Pop Up Shop in Downtown Portland! This unique Holiday Pop up allows us to bring wines from our member wineries for tasting and purchase all in one location. Fifteen of our member wineries will feature one – two of their Portland-Made Wines. We will offer a rotating list of wines to taste with all wines available for purchase. Mix and match your favorite wines to get discounts on 6 and 12 bottles.

Collectively, the PDX Urban Wineries offer the best that Oregon makes without ever leaving the city!

This event is made possible by the folks at Downtown Clean and Safe. Watch our social media pages to see what wines we are pouring each week.

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    "post_date": "2023-11-02 15:41:03",
    "post_date_gmt": "2023-11-02 22:41:03",
    "post_content": "NOVEMBER 8TH - DECEMBER 31ST 12PM - 6PM WEDNESDAY - SUNDAY\r\nJoin us for our 2nd Annual Holiday Pop Up Shop in Downtown Portland! This unique Holiday Pop up allows us to bring wines from our member wineries for tasting and purchase all in one location. Fifteen of our member wineries will feature one - two of their Portland-Made Wines. We will offer a rotating list of wines to taste with all wines available for purchase. Mix and match your favorite wines to get discounts on 6 and 12 bottles.\r\n\r\nCollectively, the PDX Urban Wineries offer the best that Oregon makes without ever leaving the city!\r\n\r\nThis event is made possible by the folks at Downtown Clean and Safe. Watch our social media pages to see what wines we are pouring each week.",
    "post_title": "PDX Urban Wineries Holiday Pop Up Shop",
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    "address": "511 SW 10th Avenue",
    "country": "United States",
    "city": "Portland",
    "state_province": "OR",
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    "zip": "97205",
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    "permalink": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/event\/pdx-urban-wineries-holiday-pop-up-shop-2\/2023-11-30\/",
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    "geolocation": {
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        "address": "511 SW 10th Avenue, Portland, OR, 97205, United States",
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Contact the Venue

511 SW 10th Avenue, Portland OR 97205

511 SW 10th Avenue
Portland, OR 97205