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Sip & Shop Holiday Bazaar

About this Event

2024 Annual Holiday Bazaar
Join us for our 2024 Annual Holiday Bazaar, where we will have unique vendors displaying and selling their products for you to purchase.

Bring friends and enjoy a glass or bottle of wine while you shop.

Date: December 7 & 8, 2024
Time: 11am – 4:30pm each day
Cost: No cost to enjoy and shop from the vendors
No Reservations needed.
We will NOT be doing tastings this weekend. You can purchase glasses of wine or a bottle to enjoy.

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    "post_date": "2024-09-06 15:21:27",
    "post_date_gmt": "2024-09-06 22:21:27",
    "post_content": "2024 Annual Holiday Bazaar\r\nSAVE THE DATE\r\nJoin us for our 2024 Annual Holiday Bazaar, where we will have unique vendors displaying and selling their products for you to purchase.\r\n\r\nBring friends and enjoy a glass or bottle of wine while you shop.\r\n\r\nDate: December 7 & 8, 2024\r\nTime: 11am - 4:30pm each day\r\nCost: No cost to enjoy and shop from the vendors\r\nNo Reservations needed.\r\nWe will NOT be doing tastings this weekend. You can purchase glasses of wine or a bottle to enjoy.",
    "post_title": "Sip & Shop Holiday Bazaar",
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    "address": "29700 SW Burkhalter RD",
    "country": "United States",
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    "state": "OR",
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    "zip": "97123",
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    "permalink": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/event\/sip-shop-holiday-bazaar\/2024-12-08\/",
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    "website": "http:\/\/www.oakknollwinery.com ",
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        "longitude": "",
        "address": "29700 SW Burkhalter RD, Hillsboro, OR, 97123, United States",
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    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

Oak Knoll Winery

29700 SW Burkhalter RD
Hillsboro, OR 97123