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Wine is Liquid Poetry


February 11, 2023


11:00am - 4:00pm

Im on the right track


Yamhill Valley Vineyards



Wine is Liquid Poetry

About this Event

“All together, the conditions have winemakers from throughout the Valley describing 2017 as “classic Willamette Valley.” The result is energetic wines with plenty of flavor across a range of styles.”

– an excerpt from Willamette Valley Winery Association 2017 Vintage Report

This is why we are so excited for the release of our 2017 Pinot Noir Reserve! On February 11th, 2023 we will be celebrating that classic “Willamette Valley” vintage with our friends from Poetry on Demand. They will be here all day to delight and amaze you with poems on the spot! Give them just one word for inspiration – “love,” “grandmother,” “sister,” someone’s name, a family pet, a plant or flower, or your beloved (or not) first car – and they will create a unique poem just for you! Each poem is typed out for you to take home or gift to your Valentine.

While the type writers tap on in the background, enjoy small bites paired with our wines with a special pairing for the 2017 Pinot Noir Reserve featuring Briar Rose Creamery.

Tasting Fee $30 – waived with $75 bottle purchase, complimentary for Wine Club Members.

*Due to bottling delays we had to change the “Rosé Touché” event. Stay tuned for an update on the release of our 2022 Rosé of Pinot Noir in March!

    "ID": 45201,
    "post_author": "2437",
    "post_date": "2023-01-30 09:53:25",
    "post_date_gmt": "2023-01-30 17:53:25",
    "post_content": "\u201cAll together, the conditions have winemakers from throughout the Valley describing 2017 as \u201cclassic Willamette Valley.\u201d The result is energetic wines with plenty of flavor across a range of styles.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u2013 an excerpt from Willamette Valley Winery Association 2017 Vintage Report\r\n\r\nThis is why we are so excited for the release of our 2017 Pinot Noir Reserve! On February 11th, 2023 we will be celebrating that classic \u201cWillamette Valley\u201d vintage with our friends from Poetry on Demand. They will be here all day to delight and amaze you with poems on the spot! Give them just one word for inspiration - \"love,\" \"grandmother,\" \"sister,\" someone's name, a family pet, a plant or flower, or your beloved (or not) first car - and they will create a unique poem just for you! Each poem is typed out for you to take home or gift to your Valentine.\r\n\r\nWhile the type writers tap on in the background, enjoy small bites paired with our wines with a special pairing for the 2017 Pinot Noir Reserve featuring Briar Rose Creamery.\r\n\r\nTasting Fee $30 - waived with $75 bottle purchase, complimentary for Wine Club Members.\r\n\r\n*Due to bottling delays we had to change the \"Ros\u00e9 Touch\u00e9\" event. Stay tuned for an update on the release of our 2022 Ros\u00e9 of Pinot Noir in March!",
    "post_title": "Wine is Liquid Poetry",
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    "address": "16250 SW Oldsville RD",
    "country": "United States",
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    "state_province": "OR",
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    "zip": "97128",
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    "website": "www.Yamhill.com",
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        "address": "16250 SW Oldsville RD, McMinnville, OR, 97128, United States",
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Contact the Venue

Yamhill Valley Vineyards

16250 SW Oldsville RD
McMinnville, OR 97128