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Wine, Spice, and Everything Nice


December 17, 2021


3:30pm - 8:00pm

Im on the right track





Wine, Spice, and Everything Nice

About this Event

Event Venue

525 SE Pine St. Portland, OR 97214

Event Organizer

Dobbes Family Estate Winery


The coming new year marks the 20th anniversary of Dobbes Family Estate, and they’re kicking off their 20s by bringing the party to Portland.
Join us for a festive holiday celebration at Union/Pine in Portland on Friday, December 17th! There will be exciting new wine releases (historically reserved only for wine club members), seasonal fare from Renegade Catering, live holiday music, mulled wine, plenty of bubbles, and holiday gifting inspiration.
Admission includes:
20th Anniversary Logo Riedel Pinot Noir Glass
Holiday Dobbes Family Estate Wine Flight
Seasonal fare by Renegade Catering
Live Music – Jacob Westfall & Gwen Hamilton

    "ID": 41906,
    "post_author": "2",
    "post_date": "2021-12-13 09:36:04",
    "post_date_gmt": "2021-12-13 17:36:04",
    "post_content": "<h3>Event Venue<\/h3>\n525 SE Pine St. Portland, OR 97214\n<h3>Event Organizer<\/h3>\nDobbes Family Estate Winery\n<h3>Description<\/h3>\nThe coming new year marks the 20th anniversary of Dobbes Family Estate, and they're kicking off their 20s by bringing the party to Portland.\nJoin us for a festive holiday celebration at Union\/Pine in Portland on Friday, December 17th! There will be exciting new wine releases (historically reserved only for wine club members), seasonal fare from Renegade Catering, live holiday music, mulled wine, plenty of bubbles, and holiday gifting inspiration.\nAdmission includes:\n20th Anniversary Logo Riedel Pinot Noir Glass\nHoliday Dobbes Family Estate Wine Flight\nSeasonal fare by Renegade Catering\nLive Music \u2013 Jacob Westfall &amp; Gwen Hamilton",
    "post_title": "Wine, Spice, and Everything Nice",
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    "post_modified": "2021-12-13 09:36:04",
    "post_modified_gmt": "2021-12-13 17:36:04",
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        "_EventStartDate": "2021-12-17 15:30:00",
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        "_EventEndDateUTC": "2021-12-18 04:00:00",
        "_EventDuration": "16200",
        "_EventCost": "45",
        "_EventURL": "https:\/\/dobbesfamilyestate.com",
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    "address": "525 SE Pine St",
    "country": "",
    "city": "Portland",
    "state_province": "",
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    "zip": "97214",
    "phone": "(971) 254-4395",
    "permalink": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/event\/wine-spice-and-everything-nice\/",
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    "website": "https:\/\/www.unionpine.com",
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        "address": "525 SE Pine St, Portland, 97214",
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    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue


525 SE Pine St
Portland, 97214