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Wine Wednesday with 2Hawk Vineyard & Winery


August 12, 2020


5:00pm - 7:00pm

Im on the right track


The Rogue Grape



Wine Wednesday with 2Hawk Vineyard & Winery

About this Event

Location: The Rogue Grape

Date & Time: Wednesday, August 12th 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Join us for complimentary tasting with 2Hawk Winery!

Promotional pricing on glasses and bottles of featured wines available on Wednesday.

 2Hawk will be pouring 2019 Stargazer Verdejo, 2019 Lily Girl Rose, 2015 Life of Riley and 2015 Tempranillo.

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    "post_date": "2020-08-04 13:51:32",
    "post_date_gmt": "2020-08-04 20:51:32",
    "post_content": "Location: The Rogue Grape\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Date &amp; Time: Wednesday, August 12th 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM<\/p>\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Join us for complimentary tasting with 2Hawk Winery!<\/p>\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Promotional pricing on glasses and bottles of featured wines available on Wednesday.<\/p>\n<p dir=\"ltr\">\u00a02Hawk will be pouring 2019 Stargazer Verdejo, 2019 Lily Girl Rose, 2015 Life of Riley and 2015 Tempranillo.<\/p>",
    "post_title": "Wine Wednesday with 2Hawk Vineyard &amp; Winery",
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Contact the Venue

The Rogue Grape

36 S Central Avenue
Medford, 97501