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Yoga & Wine with Limited Addition Wines


August 3, 2024


10:00am - 11:30am

Im on the right track


Limited Addition Wine



Yoga & Wine with Limited Addition Wines

About this Event

Join us for outdoor, morning yoga and wine August 3, 17 and 24 at Limited Addition Wines. Enjoy a 60 minute yoga flow and a bottle to bring home of our 2023 Piquette, a low alcohol (8%) and sustainable wine. All you need is a mat and water bottle – we’ve got the rest!

Attendees also receive 15% off wine purchases that day and a 2 for 1 tasting for future reservations.

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    "post_date": "2024-08-02 14:00:01",
    "post_date_gmt": "2024-08-02 21:00:01",
    "post_content": "Join us for outdoor, morning yoga and wine August 3, 17 and 24 at Limited Addition Wines. Enjoy a 60 minute yoga flow and a bottle to bring home of our 2023 Piquette, a low alcohol (8%) and sustainable wine. All you need is a mat and water bottle - we've got the rest!\r\n\r\nAttendees also receive 15% off wine purchases that day and a 2 for 1 tasting for future reservations.",
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    "address": "3440 NW Bridge Farmer Rd",
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    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

Limited Addition Wine

3440 NW Bridge Farmer Rd
Gaston, OR 97119