About this Event
Why does Cabernet Sauvignon Sauvignon pair so well with a juicy steak? Why do we drink crisp white wine with oysters? Come and explore the fabulous world of food and wine pairing with us in this science-based exploration of the structural elements of food and wine and how they partner up. What zings!? and what doesn’t? and most importantly Why?
You’ll taste through various food elements and wines and learn about they interact with each other and how to pick the perfect wine for the next meal that you’re planning, including what will pair well with sweet potatoes and marshmallows. It’s easy and it’s fun!
In person: $40 per person ($32 for wine club member). Sit-down, socially distanced workshop. Includes food and 10% discount on all wine purchases. Click here for tickets.
Online: $100 + shipping ($80 for wine club members) Includes one bottle each of Jezebel Blanc, Jezebel Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon, plus workshop instructions and access code for Zoom meeting. Click here to order.
"ID": 36195,
"post_author": "2",
"post_date": "2020-11-12 13:24:56",
"post_date_gmt": "2020-11-12 21:24:56",
"post_content": "Why does Cabernet Sauvignon Sauvignon pair so well with a juicy steak? \u00a0Why do we drink crisp white wine with oysters? \u00a0Come and explore the fabulous world of food and wine pairing with us in this science-based exploration of the structural elements of food and wine and how they partner up. What zings!? and what doesn't? and most importantly Why?\nYou'll taste through various food elements and wines and learn about they interact with each other and how to pick the perfect wine for the next meal that you're planning, including what will pair well with sweet potatoes and marshmallows. It's easy and it's fun!\n<strong>In person: $40 per person ($32 for wine club member)<\/strong>. Sit-down, socially distanced workshop. Includes food and 10% discount on all wine purchases. Click\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/www.willfulwine.com\/product\/Blending-Workshop-Copy1?pageID=E6B4BD2F-05DF-7486-16BA-B2E34ED187C6&sortBy=DisplayOrder&maxRows=10&\">here<\/a>\u00a0for tickets.\n<strong>Online: $100 + shipping ($80 for wine club members)<\/strong>\u00a0Includes one bottle each of Jezebel Blanc, Jezebel Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon, plus workshop instructions and access code for Zoom meeting. Click\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/www.willfulwine.com\/product\/ZiNG--Workshop---VIRTUAL?pageID=E6B4BD2F-05DF-7486-16BA-B2E34ED187C6&sortBy=DisplayOrder&maxRows=10&\">here<\/a>\u00a0to order.",
"post_title": "ZiNG Food and Wine Pairing Workshop",
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"post_status": "publish",
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"post_modified": "2020-11-12 13:24:56",
"post_modified_gmt": "2020-11-12 21:24:56",
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"_EventURL": "https:\/\/www.willfulwine.co\/events ",
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"post_title": "ZiNG Food and Wine Pairing Workshop"
"address": "5705-F NE 105th Avenue",
"country": "",
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"zip": "97220",
"phone": "503 577-8982",
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Contact the Venue
Willful Wine Winery
5705-F NE 105th Avenue
Portland, 97220