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Dinner in the Garden


May 24, 2024


5:30pm - 9:00pm

Im on the right track


The Allison Inn & Spa



Dinner in the Garden

About this Event

We’re kicking off Memorial Day weekend at The Allison Inn & Spa with a special evening featuring Durant Vineyards, along with owner and winemaker Paul Durant. Durant shares our same deep history and connection to the Willamette Valley, and we can’t think of a better partnership for a garden dinner experience.

The evening includes a welcome reception, a tour of our 1.5-acre working garden, Durant Olive Mill oil tasting, multi-course family-style dinner with Durant wine pairings, and a conversation with Paul Durant.

Seats are limited! $155 per guest.

View the menu and get tickets here: https://theallison.com/event/dinner-in-the-garden-with-durant/.

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    "phone": "503-883-9654",
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        "address": "2525 Allison Lane Newberg  OR 97132 United States",
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Contact the Venue

The Allison Inn & Spa

2525 Allison Lane