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6th Annual Hyland Block Party


August 25, 2023


6:00pm - 8:30pm

Im on the right track


Hyland Estates



6th Annual Hyland Block Party

About this Event

Gather your friends, because we’re gathering ours for an unforgettable celebration at Hyland. 10 Wineries are coming together for one epic tasting, centered around the historic Hyland Vineyard. Taste dozens of interpretations of Hyland grapes, from historic icons to modern trendsetters. And see why top Oregon winemakers have sought this site out for the last 50+ years! Pair your wines with included food offerings from Parallel Food & Drink, and Cajun Papa’s, while you dance to the new-grass stylings of Rowdy Mountain.

Tickets include wine tastings, food pairings, live music, and a souvenir glass!

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    "post_date": "2023-08-17 11:14:48",
    "post_date_gmt": "2023-08-17 18:14:48",
    "post_content": "Gather your friends, because we're gathering ours for an unforgettable celebration at Hyland. 10 Wineries are coming together for one epic tasting, centered around the historic Hyland Vineyard. Taste dozens of interpretations of Hyland grapes, from historic icons to modern trendsetters. And see why top Oregon winemakers have sought this site out for the last 50+ years! Pair your wines with included food offerings from Parallel Food & Drink, and Cajun Papa's, while you dance to the new-grass stylings of Rowdy Mountain.\r\n\r\nTickets include wine tastings, food pairings, live music, and a souvenir glass!",
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    "address": "20980 NE Niederberger Rd",
    "country": "United States",
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    "website": "http:\/\/www.hylandestateswinery.com\/",
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        "address": "20980 NE Niederberger Rd, Dundee, OR, 97115, United States",
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    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

Hyland Estates

20980 NE Niederberger Rd
Dundee, OR 97115