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Oregon Wine Experience Founders’ Barrel Auction


August 19, 2022


5:00pm - 8:00pm

Im on the right track


Stage Pass Estate



Oregon Wine Experience Founders’ Barrel Auction

About this Event

  • Bid on one-of-a-kind, exclusive blends made special by top Oregon winemakers and found only at this auction
  • Innovative culinary pairings to accompany wine explorations
  • All bidding is online, and anyone can view the lots and register
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    "post_date": "2022-04-01 00:43:26",
    "post_date_gmt": "2022-04-01 00:43:26",
    "post_content": "<ul>\r\n \t<li>Bid on one-of-a-kind, exclusive blends made special by top Oregon winemakers and found only at this auction<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Innovative culinary pairings to accompany wine explorations<\/li>\r\n \t<li>All bidding is online, and anyone can view the lots and register<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>",
    "post_title": "Oregon Wine Experience Founders\u2019 Barrel Auction",
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Contact the Venue

Stage Pass Estate

4735 S Stage Road
Medford, 97501