About this Event
In this workshop we will transform a live edge board into a charcuterie board ready to use when we finish. Your ticket includes the board, tools and oil to finish the board. Each board is Oregon walnut that is sustainably sourced. No experience is necessary. The class starts at 1pm and runs 2 to 2.5 hours.
Wine, Sangria, Beer, soda and snacks are available for purchase. Class is limited in size so advance registration is required. If there are seats available we may have space for limited walk ins.
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"post_date": "2022-08-24 17:43:58",
"post_date_gmt": "2022-08-25 00:43:58",
"post_content": "In this workshop we will transform a live edge board into a charcuterie board ready to use when we finish. Your ticket includes the board, tools and oil to finish the board. Each board is Oregon walnut that is sustainably sourced. No experience is necessary. The class starts at 1pm and runs 2 to 2.5 hours.\r\n\r\nWine, Sangria, Beer, soda and snacks are available for purchase. Class is limited in size so advance registration is required. If there are seats available we may have space for limited walk ins.",
"post_title": "Charcuterie Board Workshop",
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"ID": 43647,
"post_title": "Charcuterie Board Workshop"
"address": "4510 SE 23rd Avenue",
"country": "United States",
"city": "Portland",
"state_province": "OR",
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"zip": "97202",
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"address": "4510 SE 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR, 97202, United States",
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Contact the Venue
Hip Chicks do Wine
4510 SE 23rd Avenue
Portland, OR 97202