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Cousins Maine Lobster


September 29, 2024


11:00am - 6:00pm

Im on the right track


CHEHALEM Tasting Room



Cousins Maine Lobster

About this Event

Cousins Maine Lobster, a food truck featuring decadent Maine lobster and classic New England-style lobster rolls, will be stationed at Chehalem for one day on Sunday, September 29. Join us from 11 am – 6 pm to enjoy these delicious rolls and pair Chehalem’s aromatic white wines and single-vineyard Pinot Noirs with your lobster rolls.

View Cousins Maine Lobster’s website here.

Sunday, September 29 | 11 am – 6 pm
Reservations are available for your convenience but are not required – walk-ins are always welcome.

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    "post_date_gmt": "2024-09-16 18:47:08",
    "post_content": "Cousins Maine Lobster, a food truck featuring decadent Maine lobster and classic New England-style lobster rolls, will be stationed at Chehalem for one day on Sunday, September 29. Join us from 11 am \u2013 6 pm to enjoy these delicious rolls and pair Chehalem\u2019s aromatic white wines and single-vineyard Pinot Noirs with your lobster rolls.\r\n\r\nView Cousins Maine Lobster\u2019s website here.\r\n\r\nSunday, September 29 | 11 am \u2013 6 pm\r\nReservations are available for your convenience but are not required \u2013 walk-ins are always welcome.",
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    "address": "106 South Center Street",
    "country": "United States",
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    "zip": "97132",
    "phone": "503.538.4700",
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Contact the Venue

CHEHALEM Tasting Room

106 South Center Street
Newberg, OR 97132