About this Event
Get ready for another adorable round of egg hunts in Edenvale’s vineyards and the gardens of the historic Voorhies Mansion! Join us on Easter morning for a fun time, and family-photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny! Children will be separated by age so everyone gets a chance to hunt for eggs, and a lucky egg in each age group will win a special wine-prize for mom and dad! Tickets are available online at edenvalewines.com or by calling our Tasting Room at (541) 512-2955×2.
"ID": 51948,
"post_author": "3020",
"post_date": "2024-03-26 16:54:44",
"post_date_gmt": "2024-03-26 23:54:44",
"post_content": "Get ready for another adorable round of egg hunts in Edenvale\u2019s vineyards and the gardens of the historic Voorhies Mansion! Join us on Easter morning for a fun time, and family-photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny! Children will be separated by age so everyone gets a chance to hunt for eggs, and a lucky egg in each age group will win a special wine-prize for mom and dad! Tickets are available online at edenvalewines.com or by calling our Tasting Room at (541) 512-2955\u00d72.",
"post_title": "Easter Egg Hunt at Edenvale Winery",
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"_EventStartDateUTC": "2024-03-31 18:30:00",
"_EventEndDateUTC": "2024-03-31 21:00:00",
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"_EventCost": "$15-$20",
"_EventURL": "https:\/\/edenvalewines.com\/events\/event-calendar\/",
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"address": "2310 Voorhies Road",
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"website": "www.edenvalleyorchards.com",
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"address": "2310 Voorhies Road, Medford, 97501",
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Contact the Venue
EdenVale Winery
2310 Voorhies Road
Medford, 97501