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Fall Winemaker’s Dinner


October 6, 2023


6:00pm - 9:00pm

Im on the right track


Guerra’s Restaurant



Fall Winemaker’s Dinner

About this Event

Hip Chicks do Wine is Portland’s Oldest Urban Winery. Guerra’s Restaurant is a premier dining destination in Silverton, OR Their love for great food & fantastic wine is what has brought us together. We have designed a five course wine dinner to celebrate the Queer & Ally communities, just in time for “National Coming Out Day”. Dinner with wine pairings is $95.

Join us to celebrate the diverse world we live in. Dinner starts at 6pm, sharp.

Reserve your seat online or by phone 503-873-8000

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    "post_date_gmt": "2023-09-21 17:41:45",
    "post_content": "Hip Chicks do Wine is Portland\u2019s Oldest Urban Winery. Guerra's Restaurant is a premier dining destination in Silverton, OR Their love for great food & fantastic wine is what has brought us together. We have designed a five course wine dinner to celebrate the Queer & Ally communities, just in time for \"National Coming Out Day\". Dinner with wine pairings is $95.\r\n\r\nJoin us to celebrate the diverse world we live in. Dinner starts at 6pm, sharp.\r\n\r\nReserve your seat online or by phone 503-873-8000",
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        "address": "206 East Main Street, Silverton, 97381, United States",
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Contact the Venue

Guerra’s Restaurant

206 East Main Street
Silverton, 97381