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Father’s Day Barbecue at Lundeen Wines


June 17, 2023


6:00pm - 9:30pm

Im on the right track


6051 NW Poverty Bend Road


$75 | 60 Club

Father’s Day Barbecue at Lundeen Wines

About this Event

This Father’s day treat your dad to a barbecue in the vineyard! Join us on our family property, just outside of McMinnville, for good wine, good food, and good people. We will of course be featuring the 2021 “Mon Pere” and several other delicious wines! Each ticket will get you two glasses of wine and hearty dinner. If your dad isn’t a wine drinker, don’t worry, we will have local beer as an alternative. Tickets are limited to this event so hurry to get yours today!

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    "post_date": "2023-05-22 13:09:33",
    "post_date_gmt": "2023-05-22 20:09:33",
    "post_content": "This Father's day treat your dad to a barbecue in the vineyard! Join us on our family property, just outside of McMinnville, for good wine, good food, and good people. We will of course be featuring the 2021 \u201cMon Pere\u201d and several other delicious wines! Each ticket will get you two glasses of wine and hearty dinner. If your dad isn\u2019t a wine drinker, don\u2019t worry, we will have local beer as an alternative. Tickets are limited to this event so hurry to get yours today!",
    "post_title": "Father's Day Barbecue at Lundeen Wines",
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                "post_title": "Father's Day Barbecue at Lundeen Wines"
    "address": "6051 NW Poverty Bend Rd",
    "country": "United States",
    "city": "McMinnville",
    "state_province": "OR",
    "state": "OR",
    "province": "OR",
    "zip": "97128",
    "phone": "5034724727",
    "permalink": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/event\/fathers-day-barbecue-at-lundeen-wines\/",
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    "website": "https:\/\/www.lundeenwines.com\/visit",
    "geolocation": {
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        "address": "6051 NW Poverty Bend Rd, McMinnville, OR, 97128, United States",
        "distance": false
    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

6051 NW Poverty Bend Road

6051 NW Poverty Bend Rd
McMinnville, OR 97128