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Fermentis Academy Wine Seminar


July 13, 2023


8:00am - 1:00pm

Im on the right track


Crush2Cellar Winery Supplies,



Fermentis Academy Wine Seminar

About this Event

The Fermentis team is pleased to invite you to Fermentis Academy Wine 2023 Oregon, held at Crush2Cellar Winery Supplies, 214 West Hancock Street, Newberg, OR 97132.

Winemakers, come join us for a morning of technical discussions where we will focus on Wine market trends and adapted fermentation solutions for winemakers! We will cover topics such as simplification of fermentation operations, low SO2 wines, strongly aromatic whites and roses, sparkling wines, smooth fruity and quick-to-market red wines, roundness, etc. Stay after for a moment of conviviality and join us for lunch. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

After the class, you are invited to lunch from 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Register here… https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fermentis-academy-wine-2023-oregon-tickets-640890810667?aff=oddtdtcreator

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    "post_date": "2023-07-01 11:09:10",
    "post_date_gmt": "2023-07-01 18:09:10",
    "post_content": "The Fermentis team is pleased to invite you to Fermentis Academy Wine 2023 Oregon, held at Crush2Cellar Winery Supplies, 214 West Hancock Street, Newberg, OR 97132.\r\n\r\nWinemakers, come join us for a morning of technical discussions where we will focus on Wine market trends and adapted fermentation solutions for winemakers! We will cover topics such as simplification of fermentation operations, low SO2 wines, strongly aromatic whites and roses, sparkling wines, smooth fruity and quick-to-market red wines, roundness, etc. Stay after for a moment of conviviality and join us for lunch. We are looking forward to seeing you there!\r\n\r\nAfter the class, you are invited to lunch from 12:00pm to 1:00pm\r\nRegister here... https:\/\/www.eventbrite.com\/e\/fermentis-academy-wine-2023-oregon-tickets-640890810667?aff=oddtdtcreator",
    "post_title": "Fermentis Academy Wine Seminar",
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    "address": "214 West Hancock Street,",
    "country": "United States",
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    "state_province": "OR",
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        "address": "214 West Hancock Street,, Newberg,, OR, 97132, United States",
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Contact the Venue

Crush2Cellar Winery Supplies,

214 West Hancock Street,
Newberg,, OR 97132