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Galentines Cookie & Cake Decorating + Wine Tasting Event


February 8, 2025


12:00pm - 2:30pm

Im on the right track


Bella Vida 360



Galentines Cookie & Cake Decorating + Wine Tasting Event

About this Event

Join us on Saturday, February 8th at 12pm for a Galentines Cookie Decorating + Wine Tasting event! Come celebrate LOVE while learning how to decorate cookies and cakes like an expert with guidance from the owner of Brown Gnome Bakery. Sip delicious Bella Vida wines as you decorate to your heart’s content. Each participant will walk away with two shortbread cookies and a 4″ Pinot Strawberry Chocolate Cake (perfect for two people!)

Space is limited and ticket prices will go up in February, so reserve your spot today!

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    "post_date": "2025-01-23 10:13:52",
    "post_date_gmt": "2025-01-23 18:13:52",
    "post_content": "Join us on Saturday, February 8th at 12pm for a Galentines Cookie Decorating + Wine Tasting event! Come celebrate LOVE while learning how to decorate cookies and cakes like an expert with guidance from the owner of Brown Gnome Bakery. Sip delicious Bella Vida wines as you decorate to your heart's content. Each participant will walk away with two shortbread cookies and a 4\" Pinot Strawberry Chocolate Cake (perfect for two people!)\r\n\r\nSpace is limited and ticket prices will go up in February, so reserve your spot today!",
    "post_title": "Galentines Cookie & Cake Decorating + Wine Tasting Event",
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    "address": "18000 NW Belt Rd",
    "country": "United States",
    "city": "Yamhill",
    "state_province": "OR",
    "state": "OR",
    "province": "",
    "zip": "97148",
    "phone": "503-538-9821",
    "permalink": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/event\/galentines-cookie-cake-decorating-wine-tasting-event\/",
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    "website": "https:\/\/www.bellavida.com",
    "geolocation": {
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        "latitude": "",
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        "address": "18000 NW Belt Rd, Yamhill, OR, 97148, United States",
        "distance": false
    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

Bella Vida 360

18000 NW Belt Rd
Yamhill, OR 97148