About this Event
Join us for our 1st Annual Gears & Grapes Car show located in the parking-lot of The Dundee Hotel on June 9th. We are excited to welcome all car lovers to either showcase their own car or enjoy marveling at an array of classic, collector and unique cars that will be on display. On top of the amazing cars, we will have local food, craft & car vendors and, of course, Patton Valley wines.
Better yet, we are thrilled to be supporting the Cruising McMinnville’s Scholarship Program! All admission fees and part of entry fees will be donated directly to their scholarship. Stay tuned for more information.
ADMISSION: $5 per person includes your admission and is fully donated to the Cruising McMinnville’s Scholarship Program.
We welcome classic, collector, muscle, unique, and even gambler cars to the 1st Annual Gears & Grapes Car Show! Your entry includes a window display with your car’s information, goody bag, Gears & Grapes swag, a glass of wine or beer, and a donation to Cruising McMinnville’s Scholarship Program. We will also have a trophy for the Gears & Grapes favorite car of the year.
"ID": 53015,
"post_author": "3020",
"post_date": "2024-04-29 16:51:43",
"post_date_gmt": "2024-04-29 23:51:43",
"post_content": "Join us for our 1st Annual Gears & Grapes Car show located in the parking-lot of The Dundee Hotel on June 9th. We are excited to welcome all car lovers to either showcase their own car or enjoy marveling at an array of classic, collector and unique cars that will be on display. On top of the amazing cars, we will have local food, craft & car vendors and, of course, Patton Valley wines.\r\n\r\nBetter yet, we are thrilled to be supporting the Cruising McMinnville\u2019s Scholarship Program! All admission fees and part of entry fees will be donated directly to their scholarship. Stay tuned for more information.\r\n\r\nADMISSION: $5 per person includes your admission and is fully donated to the Cruising McMinnville\u2019s Scholarship Program.\r\nENTER YOUR CAR TO GEARS & GRAPES\r\n\r\nENTRY FEE: $30 PER CAR | $20 FOR PATTON VALLEY CLUB MEMBERS\r\n\r\nWe welcome classic, collector, muscle, unique, and even gambler cars to the 1st Annual Gears & Grapes Car Show! Your entry includes a window display with your car\u2019s information, goody bag, Gears & Grapes swag, a glass of wine or beer, and a donation to Cruising McMinnville\u2019s Scholarship Program. We will also have a trophy for the Gears & Grapes favorite car of the year.",
"post_title": "Gears & Grapes: 1st Annual Patton Valley Car Show",
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Contact the Venue
The Dundee Hotel
1410 OR-99W
Dundee, OR 97115