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Last Sunday Library Nebbiolo Tasting


February 25, 2024


12:00pm - 5:00pm

Im on the right track


Remy Wines


$30 (15 club)

Last Sunday Library Nebbiolo Tasting

About this Event

Let’s go back in time to taste some special wines from our library. Compare Red Mountain AVA to Wahluke Slope AVA, both in eastern Washington. Learn what longer barrel aging does to a wine. Discover what your taste preferences. Must love wine!
2013 Klipsun Nebbiolo
2015 Klipsun Nebbiolo
2019 Rosebud Nebbiolo
2019 Rosebud Nebbiolo Riserva
We’ll open a bottle of our limited, current release too! Library tastings are $30/$15 for club and these limited bottles will be available for purchase!

    "ID": 51134,
    "post_author": "3020",
    "post_date": "2024-02-02 16:06:14",
    "post_date_gmt": "2024-02-03 00:06:14",
    "post_content": "Let's go back in time to taste some special wines from our library. Compare Red Mountain AVA to Wahluke Slope AVA, both in eastern Washington. Learn what longer barrel aging does to a wine. Discover what your taste preferences. Must love wine!\r\n2013 Klipsun Nebbiolo\r\n2015 Klipsun Nebbiolo\r\n2019 Rosebud Nebbiolo\r\n2019 Rosebud Nebbiolo Riserva\r\nWe'll open a bottle of our limited, current release too! Library tastings are $30\/$15 for club and these limited bottles will be available for purchase!",
    "post_title": "Last Sunday Library Nebbiolo Tasting",
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    "post_modified_gmt": "2024-02-03 00:06:14",
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    "id": 51134,
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    "permalink": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/event\/last-sunday-library-nebbiolo-tasting\/",
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        "address": "17495 NE McDougall Rd, Dayton",
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Contact the Venue

Remy Wines

17495 NE McDougall Rd