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Linfield Summer Wine Course: Viticulture Seminar


August 1, 2021


12:00am - 11:59pm

Im on the right track


Linfield College



Linfield Summer Wine Course: Viticulture Seminar

About this Event

Linfield Viticulture Seminar
Come learn about growing grapes in the heart of Oregon wine country!

Dates: August 1 – August 13 (August 1-9 online, Field Days August 10-13)
This seminar course is designed to introduce students to where and how grapes are grown. Emphasis will be given to understanding the types of varieties of grapes, their general biology and physiology, and the environmental factors required to grow grapes including climate, geology, soil, and landscapes. In addition, the course will cover the basic aspects of vine growth development and training, trellis systems, and vineyard management.
The course is taught in a hybrid format, with online readings and short assignments which prepare participants for an intensive, 4-day field course in Oregon wine country. The course can be taken for credit or not for credit (see below).
Course Structure: Online Portion, August1-9, Field Experience August 10-13 (9:00 am – approximately 5 pm).
Course Information: Field trips will meet at vineyards, with students driving cars individually, and socially-distanced spacing at site. Students should come prepared for outdoor weather, including sturdy walking shoes and boots, hats, sunscreen, water bottles and lunch. You will be required to bring masks, and hand sanitizer with you.
Course Instructor: Jeff D. Peterson, Ph.D.
Visit the Linfield Summer Wine Course page to view additional courses.

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    "post_date": "2021-05-03 09:04:54",
    "post_date_gmt": "2021-05-03 16:04:54",
    "post_content": "<a href=\"https:\/\/www.eventbrite.com\/e\/linfield-viticulture-seminar-august-1-13-tickets-149607852113?aff=erelexpmlt\"><strong>Linfield Viticulture Seminar\nCome learn about growing grapes in the heart of Oregon wine country!<\/strong><\/a>\n<strong>Dates: August 1 - August 13 <\/strong>(August 1-9 online, Field Days August 10-13)\nThis seminar course is designed to introduce students to where and how grapes are grown. Emphasis will be given to understanding the types of varieties of grapes, their general biology and physiology, and the environmental factors required to grow grapes including climate, geology, soil, and landscapes. In addition, the course will cover the basic aspects of vine growth development and training, trellis systems, and vineyard management.\nThe course is taught in a hybrid format, with online readings and short assignments which prepare participants for an intensive, 4-day field course in Oregon wine country. The course can be taken for credit or not for credit (see below).\n<strong>Course Structure<\/strong>: Online Portion, August1-9, Field Experience August 10-13 (9:00 am - approximately 5 pm).\n<strong>Course Information:<\/strong> Field trips will meet at vineyards, with students driving cars individually, and socially-distanced spacing at site. Students should come prepared for outdoor weather, including sturdy walking shoes and boots, hats, sunscreen, water bottles and lunch. You will be required to bring masks, and hand sanitizer with you.\n<strong>Course Instructor: <\/strong>Jeff D. Peterson, Ph.D.\nVisit the Linfield <a href=\"https:\/\/www.eventbrite.com\/e\/linfield-viticulture-seminar-august-1-13-tickets-149607852113?aff=erelexpmlt\">Summer Wine Course page<\/a> to view additional courses.",
    "post_title": "Linfield Summer Wine Course: Viticulture Seminar",
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    "address": "900 SE Baker St",
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    "phone": "(503) 472-2727",
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Contact the Venue

Linfield College

900 SE Baker St
McMinnville, 97128