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Low Bar Chorale


July 23, 2024


6:00pm - 9:00pm

Im on the right track


Stoller Family Estate



Low Bar Chorale

About this Event

Sing under the open skies at Stoller Family Estate with the band of your dreams! Join us on July 23 for an interactive sing-along with Low Bar Chorale. Led by Ben Landsverk and our supergroup of nationally-touring musicians, you’ll learn harmonies to your favorite pop, rock, and indie songs…and we’ll probably throw in some Yacht Rock, too. No musical expertise required! Just show up with your love of music, and let Low Bar Chorale and Stoller Family Estate do the rest. Food and beverages will be available for purchase on-site.

Doors at 6 pm | Show starts at 7 pm

$25 per ticket in advance | $30 at the door

Please, no outside food or beverage. No pets are permitted at this event. Thank you for understanding.

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    "post_date": "2024-07-08 15:33:36",
    "post_date_gmt": "2024-07-08 22:33:36",
    "post_content": "Sing under the open skies at Stoller Family Estate with the band of your dreams! Join us on July 23 for an interactive sing-along with Low Bar Chorale. Led by Ben Landsverk and our supergroup of nationally-touring musicians, you\u2019ll learn harmonies to your favorite pop, rock, and indie songs\u2026and we\u2019ll probably throw in some Yacht Rock, too. No musical expertise required! Just show up with your love of music, and let Low Bar Chorale and Stoller Family Estate do the rest. Food and beverages will be available for purchase on-site.\r\n\r\nDoors at 6 pm | Show starts at 7 pm\r\n\r\n$25 per ticket in advance | $30 at the door\r\n\r\nPlease, no outside food or beverage. No pets are permitted at this event. Thank you for understanding.",
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Contact the Venue

Stoller Family Estate

16161 NE McDougall Rd.
Dayton, OR 97114