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Now Open: Knudsen Vineyards


June 8, 2020


10:30am - 4:30pm

Im on the right track


Knudsen Vineyards



Now Open: Knudsen Vineyards

About this Event


We are now open in the Dundee Hills of the Willamette Valley.

Established in 1971, our estate became the location of the first bonded winery in the Dundee Hills. Renowned for our high-elevation Pinot noir and Chardonnay, we produce quality fruit for our own wines as well as those of other premium winemakers. We hope that you will join us at The Outlook at Knudsen Vineyards for estate wine tastings.
Page, Cal, Colin and David Knudsen
Second Generation Stewards
Tastings by reservation | Same-day appointments may be available

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    "post_date": "2020-06-03 15:17:39",
    "post_date_gmt": "2020-06-03 22:17:39",
    "post_content": "<h2><strong>ALMOST 50 YEARS IN THE MAKING!<\/strong><\/h2>\n<h3>We are now open in the Dundee Hills of the Willamette Valley.<\/h3>\nEstablished in 1971, our estate became the location of the first bonded winery in the Dundee Hills. Renowned for our high-elevation Pinot noir and Chardonnay, we produce quality fruit for our own wines as well as those of other premium winemakers. We hope that you will join us at The Outlook at Knudsen Vineyards for estate wine tastings.\nPage, Cal, Colin and David Knudsen\nSecond Generation Stewards\nTastings by reservation | Same-day appointments may be available",
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    "address": "9419 NE Worden Hill Road",
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Contact the Venue

Knudsen Vineyards

9419 NE Worden Hill Road
Dundee, 97115