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Oregon Wines & Vines


July 18, 2020


1:00pm - 2:00pm

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Oregon Wines & Vines

About this Event

Oregon Wines and Vines: Tasting and Education with Ariel Eberle, Winemaker, Yamhill Valley Vineyards, and Vicente Pina, Certified Specialist of Wine, Society of Wine Educators
Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 1pm Pacific Time
Do you love wine? Do you love Oregon wines? Would you love to learn more about Willamette Valley wines and vines directly from an Oregon winery?
Do you love wine?  Do you love Oregon wines?  Would you love to learn more about Willamette Valley wines and vines directly from an Oregon winery?

  • If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are in for a special treat!
  • Expand your wine knowledge and get to know the varietals of Oregon with Yamhill Valley Vineyards.
  • Yamhill Valley Vineyards is the oldest winery in the McMinnville AVA and they produce 100% estate grown wines.
  • Since their first vintage in 1983, Yamhill Valley Vineyards’ wines have consistently won top honors in tastings and judging across the nation.
  • We will taste as we learn about four grape varieties and the wines they produce:
    • 2017 Pinot Blanc
    • 2018 Pinot Gris
    • 2018 Chardonnay
    • 2016 Pinot Noir Estate
  • This educational and interactive course will deepen your understanding of Oregon wines, its history, and how it is made.

This educational and interactive course will deepen your understanding of Oregon wines, its history, and how it is made.
Virtual wine tasting price: $14.99. Complimentary for Yamhill Valley Vineyards Wine Club Members.
Link for registration coming soon, check www.wine-education.net for more details.
Purchase the Oregon Wines & Vines 4-pack featuring one bottle of each wine to taste alongside the course – $85 with registration discount code (regularly $100).

    "ID": 35609,
    "post_author": "2",
    "post_date": "2020-07-21 11:55:45",
    "post_date_gmt": "2020-07-21 18:55:45",
    "post_content": "Oregon Wines and Vines: Tasting and Education with Ariel Eberle, Winemaker, Yamhill Valley Vineyards, and Vicente Pina, Certified Specialist of Wine, Society of Wine Educators\nSaturday, July 18, 2020 at 1pm Pacific Time\nDo you love wine? Do you love Oregon wines? Would you love to learn more about Willamette Valley wines and vines directly from an Oregon winery?\n<strong>Do you love wine?<\/strong><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><strong>\u00a0Do you love Oregon wines?<\/strong><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><strong>\u00a0Would you love to learn more about Willamette Valley wines and vines directly from an Oregon winery?<\/strong>\n<ul>\n \t<li>If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are in for a special treat!<\/li>\n \t<li>Expand your wine knowledge and get to know the varietals of Oregon with Yamhill Valley Vineyards.<\/li>\n \t<li>Yamhill Valley Vineyards is the oldest winery in the McMinnville AVA and they produce 100% estate grown wines.<\/li>\n \t<li>Since their first vintage in 1983, Yamhill Valley Vineyards\u2019 wines have consistently won top honors in tastings and judging across the nation.<\/li>\n \t<li>We will taste as we learn about four grape varieties and the wines they produce:\n<ul>\n \t<li>2017 Pinot Blanc<\/li>\n \t<li>2018 Pinot Gris<\/li>\n \t<li>2018 Chardonnay<\/li>\n \t<li>2016 Pinot Noir Estate<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n \t<li>This educational and interactive course will deepen your understanding of Oregon wines, its history, and how it is made.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\nThis educational and interactive course will deepen your understanding of Oregon wines, its history, and how it is made.\nVirtual wine tasting price: $14.99. Complimentary for Yamhill Valley Vineyards Wine Club Members.\nLink for registration coming soon, check <a href=\"http:\/\/www.wine-education.net\/?fbclid=IwAR1ZbY6hF1My08yHLFFiVfwT4xwxUj87RSRkFyJkgeg0BmZZPxfktD01-VQ\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\" data-lynx-mode=\"hover\" data-lynx-uri=\"https:\/\/l.facebook.com\/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wine-education.net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1ZbY6hF1My08yHLFFiVfwT4xwxUj87RSRkFyJkgeg0BmZZPxfktD01-VQ&amp;h=AT14mMesnbfBIzYvUioQ6z-6QV1RIoL5LDDUkCmTr5z3z8Dw81fdJADA6hHalM3sGQogVkimNKdmS53dbKc6YOVWS5ZqkLFly9yhSaQoBMhdmISc0U69f7TYszW8AZd8\">www.wine-education.net<\/a> for more details.\nPurchase the Oregon Wines &amp; Vines 4-pack featuring one bottle of each wine to taste alongside the course - $85 with registration discount code (regularly $100).\n<a href=\"https:\/\/www.yamhill.com\/store-wine?productTitle=oregon-wine-vines-4-pack--1512425051--177--wine&amp;fbclid=IwAR0L8Rt-ZAsmjwdnNIlt6_KLZady2ezCifi8Xn7KJP00i3o9wWQd-jwd3gk\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\" data-lynx-mode=\"hover\" data-lynx-uri=\"https:\/\/l.facebook.com\/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yamhill.com%2Fstore-wine%3FproductTitle%3Doregon-wine-vines-4-pack--1512425051--177--wine%26fbclid%3DIwAR0L8Rt-ZAsmjwdnNIlt6_KLZady2ezCifi8Xn7KJP00i3o9wWQd-jwd3gk&amp;h=AT3AYbpTt3aWfikzOvD-z1wO_s1FhineXkBGMcvwsuI9jXKgekyRJeIAolX8XBtBXUod7N2XvnWflhDKNwfoogvJvl55dOAvgTtpdDqojHh3Du0MRF9tiMqaF8qGvBrB\">https:\/\/www.yamhill.com\/store-wine?productTitle=oregon-wine-vines-4-pack--1512425051--177--wine<\/a>",
    "post_title": "Oregon Wines &amp; Vines",
    "post_excerpt": "",
    "post_status": "publish",
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    "post_modified": "2020-07-21 11:55:45",
    "post_modified_gmt": "2020-07-21 18:55:45",
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    "guid": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/?post_type=tribe_events&#038;p=35609",
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    "id": 35609,
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    "custom": {
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        "_EventEndDateUTC": "2020-07-18 21:00:00",
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        "_EventURL": "www.wine-education.net",
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Zoom Event