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Quinta Seven Sails Festa Brasileira


July 1, 2023


5:30pm - 7:30pm

Im on the right track


Seven Sails Vineyard


$25.00 tasting, music & dessert 25 for 2 person feast board

Quinta Seven Sails Festa Brasileira

About this Event

Junte se a nós para degustação de vinhos, comida deliciosa brasileira, e música ao vivo na nossa casa vinha. (Join us for wine tasting, delicious Brazilian foods, and live music at our vineyard home.)
While you taste our fabulous wines and nibble on Brazilian food specialities you’ll be treated to the enchanting latin music of Borikuas Duo, Neftali Rivera & Ramón Cancel! We’re located in the hills of NW Portland with a gorgeous valley view.
Only one seating from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Saturday, July 1st.
Be sure you are booking your tickets AND your food choice in advance as separate items.

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    "post_date": "2023-06-01 13:47:28",
    "post_date_gmt": "2023-06-01 20:47:28",
    "post_content": "Junte se a n\u00f3s para degusta\u00e7\u00e3o de vinhos, comida deliciosa brasileira, e m\u00fasica ao vivo na nossa casa vinha. (Join us for wine tasting, delicious Brazilian foods, and live music at our vineyard home.)\r\nWhile you taste our fabulous wines and nibble on Brazilian food specialities you'll be treated to the enchanting latin music of Borikuas Duo, Neftali Rivera & Ram\u00f3n Cancel! We're located in the hills of NW Portland with a gorgeous valley view.\r\nOnly one seating from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Saturday, July 1st.\r\nBe sure you are booking your tickets AND your food choice in advance as separate items.",
    "post_title": "Quinta Seven Sails Festa Brasileira",
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    "address": "13285 NW Germantown Rd",
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    "state": "OR",
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    "website": "www.margotproductions.com",
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        "address": "13285 NW Germantown Rd, Portland, OR, 97231, United States",
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    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

Seven Sails Vineyard

13285 NW Germantown Rd
Portland, OR 97231