About this Event
It’s time to taste through and stock up on R. Stuart wines, which will be up to 30% off!
This is the perfect chance to select your holiday wines at a great price.
• $20 ticket covers the tasting fee, with a portion donated to Philanthropy Foods
• Industry friends are invited to join us at a 2 for $20 fee
• Complimentary for Club Members + up to 4 guests per membership
Wine Club Members: Stay tuned for information about a special, club-only experience with Rob and the team
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"post_date": "2022-10-07 14:53:29",
"post_date_gmt": "2022-10-07 21:53:29",
"post_content": "It's time to taste through and stock up on R. Stuart wines, which will be up to 30% off!\r\nThis is the perfect chance to select your holiday wines at a great price.\r\n\r\n\u2022 $20 ticket covers the tasting fee, with a portion donated to Philanthropy Foods\r\n\u2022 Industry friends are invited to join us at a 2 for $20 fee\r\n\u2022 Complimentary for Club Members + up to 4 guests per membership\r\nWine Club Members: Stay tuned for information about a special, club-only experience with Rob and the team",
"post_title": "R. Stuart | Harvest Open House",
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"post_title": "R. Stuart | Harvest Open House"
"address": "845 NE 5th St.",
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Contact the Venue
R. Stuart & Co. Winery
845 NE 5th St.
McMinnville, OR 97224