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REX HILL presents: “Behind the Wine”


April 30, 2020


3:00pm - 3:30pm

Im on the right track





REX HILL presents: “Behind the Wine”

About this Event

“Behind the Wine” with President & CEO, Amy Prosenjak

Where: REX HILL Instagram Live (@REXHILLvyds)

When: Thursday, April 30th, at 3 PM PST

There’s more to making a delicious bottle of wine than you might think.  You need a courageous leader who can be a rock for everyone, especially during uncertain times.

Grab a glass of wine and meet us in the virtual Instagram world as we talk with President and CEO of REX HILL & A to Z Wineworks, Amy Prosenjak, about how she’s adapting to these new work conditions. Hear how she is helping to guide and grow business during these times of uncertainty with a seemingly unfailing positivity.

Listen in for the promo code towards the end of the interview to receive a special price on one of our wines.

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    "post_date": "2020-04-30 10:41:06",
    "post_date_gmt": "2020-04-30 17:41:06",
    "post_content": "<p class=\"p1\"><b>\"Behind the Wine\" with President &amp; CEO, Amy Prosenjak<\/b><\/p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><b>Where<\/b>: REX HILL Instagram Live (@REXHILLvyds)<\/p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><b>When<\/b>: Thursday, April 30th, at 3 PM PST<\/p>\n<p class=\"p1\">There\u2019s more to making a delicious bottle of wine than you might think.\u00a0 You need a courageous leader who can be a rock for everyone, especially during uncertain times.<\/p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Grab a glass of wine and meet us in the virtual Instagram world as we talk with President and CEO of REX HILL &amp; A to Z Wineworks, Amy Prosenjak, about how she\u2019s adapting to these new work conditions. Hear how she is helping to guide and grow business during these times of uncertainty with a seemingly unfailing positivity.<\/p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>Listen in for the promo code towards the end of the interview\u00a0to receive a special price on one of our\u00a0wines.<\/i><\/p>",
    "post_title": "REX HILL presents: \"Behind the Wine\"",
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Contact the Venue


Your couch