About this Event
Join us for Run Willamette, our first-ever fun run taking place on Saturday, June 29th starting at 9:30 am at the Estate in the Salem Hills.
Run or walk through the Estate Vineyard and take in the vines and views as you join fellow wine enthusiasts, runners and walkers for a fun and challenging outdoor event. Enjoy gorgeous views, challenging hills, a supportive community to cheer you on and a well-earned glass of wine after you cross the finish line.
Entry is limited to 300 participants and day-of registration is not available. Kids are invited to join our untimed 1-kilometer route and can run with a parent or guardian.
Adult participants will receive a race t-shirt, custom finisher medal, complimentary glass of wine following the race and $10 wine credit ($15 for active Wine Club Members and Owners). Kids 1k participants receive a youth race t-shirt and finisher medal. Registration is $55 for the 5K and $15 for the Kids 1K.
Post-race celebrations include your complimentary glass of wine, special awards, a raffle, live music and more with the opportunity to purchase additional bottles and food when the winery opens at 11 am.
"ID": 52478,
"post_author": "3020",
"post_date": "2024-04-13 12:21:18",
"post_date_gmt": "2024-04-13 19:21:18",
"post_content": "Join us for Run Willamette, our first-ever fun run taking place on Saturday, June 29th starting at 9:30 am at the Estate in the Salem Hills.\r\n\r\nRun or walk through the Estate Vineyard and take in the vines and views as you join fellow wine enthusiasts, runners and walkers for a fun and challenging outdoor event. Enjoy gorgeous views, challenging hills, a supportive community to cheer you on and a well-earned glass of wine after you cross the finish line.\r\n\r\nEntry is limited to 300 participants and day-of registration is not available. Kids are invited to join our untimed 1-kilometer route and can run with a parent or guardian.\r\n\r\nAdult participants will receive a race t-shirt, custom finisher medal, complimentary glass of wine following the race and $10 wine credit ($15 for active Wine Club Members and Owners). Kids 1k participants receive a youth race t-shirt and finisher medal. Registration is $55 for the 5K and $15 for the Kids 1K.\r\n\r\nPost-race celebrations include your complimentary glass of wine, special awards, a raffle, live music and more with the opportunity to purchase additional bottles and food when the winery opens at 11 am.",
"post_title": "Run Willamette 5K and Kids 1K",
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"_EventEndDateUTC": "2024-06-29 19:00:00",
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"address": "8800 Enchanted Way SE",
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"phone": "5035889463",
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"website": "www.wvv.com",
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"address": "8800 Enchanted Way SE, Turner, OR, 97392, United States",
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Contact the Venue
Willamette Valley Vineyards
8800 Enchanted Way SE
Turner, OR 97392