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Tailgate, a dog friendly vineyard hike & wine tasting


October 8, 2023


10:30am - 12:30pm

Im on the right track


Knudsen Vineyards



Tailgate, a dog friendly vineyard hike & wine tasting

About this Event

Bring your furry friends to Knudsen Vineyards for a dog-friendly hike & tasting. Two hike options are available: 1 mile or 2 miles, both hikes are medium intensity and have a steep incline for 1/2 mile. You will enjoy a three-wine flight on your hike through our vineyard. The midpoint of your hike will offer a place to picnic and enjoy bottle or glass service at our family cabin.

$25 per person includes one tasting glass, a pet bandana, and a “puppuccino” treat for your four-legged loved one.

All dogs must be friendly, on a leash, and under owners’ supervision at all times. Any disruptive dogs will be asked to leave.

Picnic lunches can be added on for $15. Light lunch includes a sandwich, chips, and a cookie.

    "ID": 49081,
    "post_author": "2437",
    "post_date": "2023-09-21 10:45:14",
    "post_date_gmt": "2023-09-21 17:45:14",
    "post_content": "Bring your furry friends to Knudsen Vineyards for a dog-friendly hike & tasting. Two hike options are available: 1 mile or 2 miles, both hikes are medium intensity and have a steep incline for 1\/2 mile. You will enjoy a three-wine flight on your hike through our vineyard. The midpoint of your hike will offer a place to picnic and enjoy bottle or glass service at our family cabin.\r\n\r\n$25 per person includes one tasting glass, a pet bandana, and a \"puppuccino\" treat for your four-legged loved one.\r\n\r\nAll dogs must be friendly, on a leash, and under owners' supervision at all times. Any disruptive dogs will be asked to leave.\r\n\r\nPicnic lunches can be added on for $15. Light lunch includes a sandwich, chips, and a cookie.",
    "post_title": "Tailgate, a dog friendly vineyard hike & wine tasting",
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    "id": 49081,
    "slug": "tailgate-a-dog-friendly-vineyard-hike-wine-tasting",
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                "ID": 49081,
                "post_title": "Tailgate, a dog friendly vineyard hike & wine tasting"
    "address": "9419 NE Worden Hill Road",
    "country": "",
    "city": "Dundee",
    "state_province": "",
    "state": "",
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    "zip": "97115",
    "phone": "503-580-1596",
    "permalink": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/event\/tailgate-a-dog-friendly-vineyard-hike-wine-tasting\/",
    "directions_link": "https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/search\/?api=1&query=45.2801789%2C-123.063368",
    "website": "knudsenvineyards.com",
    "geolocation": {
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        "latitude": "",
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        "address": "9419 NE Worden Hill Road, Dundee, 97115",
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    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

Knudsen Vineyards

9419 NE Worden Hill Road
Dundee, 97115