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Valentine’s Charcuterie Class


February 9, 2024


6:00pm - 8:00pm

Im on the right track


10850 Northwest Seavey Road



Valentine’s Charcuterie Class

About this Event

Savor the moment at a Charcuterie Class hosted by Parri Van Dyke, the talented owner of Wedged and Cured, at Tualatin Estate Tasting Room in Forest Grove. Elevate your palate and discover the art of pairing exceptional wines with carefully selected meats and cheeses.

Parri will guide you step by step in crafting a professional-quality charcuterie board. Your ticket includes access to all the premium materials needed to create a masterpiece.

Tickets are $65 per person and include a complimentary glass of Estate Rosé, a perfect complement to your charcuterie. Additionally, all attendees will enjoy a $5 wine credit toward the purchase of a bottle on the day of the event. Reserve your spot now and elevate your Valentine’s Day celebration at Tualatin Estate Vineyard!

    "ID": 50984,
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    "post_date": "2024-01-25 15:34:56",
    "post_date_gmt": "2024-01-25 23:34:56",
    "post_content": "Savor the moment at a Charcuterie Class hosted by Parri Van Dyke, the talented owner of Wedged and Cured, at Tualatin Estate Tasting Room in Forest Grove. Elevate your palate and discover the art of pairing exceptional wines with carefully selected meats and cheeses.\r\n\r\nParri will guide you step by step in crafting a professional-quality charcuterie board. Your ticket includes access to all the premium materials needed to create a masterpiece.\r\n\r\nTickets are $65 per person and include a complimentary glass of Estate Ros\u00e9, a perfect complement to your charcuterie. Additionally, all attendees will enjoy a $5 wine credit toward the purchase of a bottle on the day of the event. Reserve your spot now and elevate your Valentine's Day celebration at Tualatin Estate Vineyard!",
    "post_title": "Valentine's Charcuterie Class",
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    "id": 50984,
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        "_EventStartDateUTC": "2024-02-10 02:00:00",
        "_EventEndDateUTC": "2024-02-10 04:00:00",
        "_EventDuration": "7200",
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        "_EventURL": "https:\/\/www.wvv.com\/events\/Valentines-Charcuterie-Class-at-Tualatin-Estate",
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    "address": "10850 Northwest Seavey Road",
    "country": "United States",
    "city": "Forest Grove",
    "state_province": "",
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    "zip": "97116",
    "phone": "(503) 357-5005",
    "permalink": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/event\/valentines-charcuterie-class\/",
    "directions_link": "https:\/\/maps.google.com\/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=10850+Northwest+Seavey+Road+Forest+Grove+97116+United+States",
    "website": "https:\/\/www.wvv.com\/Tualatin",
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        "address": "10850 Northwest Seavey Road, Forest Grove, 97116, United States",
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    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

10850 Northwest Seavey Road

10850 Northwest Seavey Road
Forest Grove, 97116