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Virtual Happy Hour with Alex and Alison Sokol Blosser


May 6, 2020


4:00pm - 4:30pm

Im on the right track





Virtual Happy Hour with Alex and Alison Sokol Blosser

About this Event

Join Co-Presidents Alison and Alex Sokol Blosser on Wednesdays at 4pm PDT for a social distancing appropriate happy hour via Instagram Live @sokolblosser or @evolutionwine!
You can pour yourself a glass of your favorite wine, or you can order the wine Alex and Alison will be enjoying and toast with them! They’ll be talking about the wines, sharing winery stories, and trying to decide if geese or sheep provide the best fertilizer!
Find a comfy place to hang out, pour yourself something delicious and join Alison and Alex for what promises to be entertaining and possibly educational!
We hope to cheers you there!
We’ll be enjoying:
2017 Bluebird Sparkling Cuveé
2017 Evolution Chardonnay
2016 Peach Tree Block Pinot Noir

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    "post_author": "2",
    "post_date": "2020-05-05 15:45:21",
    "post_date_gmt": "2020-05-05 22:45:21",
    "post_content": "Join Co-Presidents Alison and Alex Sokol Blosser on Wednesdays at 4pm PDT for a social distancing appropriate happy hour via Instagram Live\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/sokolblosser\/\">@sokolblosser<\/a>\u00a0or\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/evolutionwine\/?hl=en\">@evolutionwine<\/a>!\nYou can pour yourself a glass of your favorite wine, or you can order the wine Alex and Alison will be enjoying and toast with them! They\u2019ll be talking about the wines, sharing winery stories, and trying to decide if geese or sheep provide the best fertilizer!\nFind a comfy place to hang out, pour yourself something delicious and join Alison and Alex for what promises to be entertaining and possibly educational!\nWe hope to cheers you there!\nWe\u2019ll be enjoying:\n2017 Bluebird Sparkling Cuve\u00e9\n2017 Evolution Chardonnay\n2016 Peach Tree Block Pinot Noir",
    "post_title": "Virtual Happy Hour with Alex and Alison Sokol Blosser",
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    "post_modified": "2020-05-05 15:45:21",
    "post_modified_gmt": "2020-05-05 22:45:21",
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Contact the Venue


Your couch