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Virtual Vintage Meditation


June 26, 2020


6:00pm - 7:00pm

Im on the right track


Zoom Event



Virtual Vintage Meditation

About this Event

April Unterberger, Reiki Master and Ariel Eberle, Winemaker, will lead you through a relaxing meditative journey to connect deeper with wine, your senses, your true self and nature. This meditation will guide you into a deeper appreciation for wine as a catalyst to the natural abundance all around and within you. No meditation experience is necessary. Simply get cozy, bring your wine and an open mind!
Tickets: https://www.yamhill.com/store-event%20tickets?productTitle=virtual-vintage-meditation-zoom–1590516555–174–event%20tickets
April Jay Unterberger, MSW, is a Reiki Master Teacher, Psychic Medium and Spiritual Mentor. She offers healing guidance through Shamanic journeying, group meditations, reiki, and psychic mediumship. She specializes in inter-generational trauma, healing the inner child, and leading you through any layers that are holding you back from your highest potential! April looks forward to connecting with you in a place of joy and light!

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