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Watercolors Made Easy: ROSE


April 25, 2024


6:00pm - 8:00pm

Im on the right track


Aurora Colony Vineyards



Watercolors Made Easy: ROSE

About this Event

Join us for a watercolor painting class where no prior experience is necessary! Dive into the colorful world of watercolor with ease as we provide a pre-drawn outline of a rose and bud peony on high-quality Arches Cold Press watercolor paper.

Our experienced instructor, Elizabeth, will be by your side, guiding you through various watercolor techniques to help you unleash your creativity effortlessly. All materials, including professional-grade M. Graham Watercolor paints, will be provided, ensuring you have everything you need to create your masterpiece.

Feel free to bring your own paint brushes if you prefer, and remember to dress comfortably, avoiding light-colored attire to prevent any potential paint splatters. Plus, to add to the fun, enjoy a complimentary glass of wine!

Exclusive offer for Wine Club Members: Receive $10 off your ticket! Simply email the wine club at [email protected] for the discount code.

Don’t miss out on this creative adventure! Secure your spot by pre-registering today, as tickets are limited and available exclusively through this platform.

    "ID": 52625,
    "post_author": "2698",
    "post_date": "2024-04-23 15:28:00",
    "post_date_gmt": "2024-04-23 22:28:00",
    "post_content": "Join us for a watercolor painting class where no prior experience is necessary! Dive into the colorful world of watercolor with ease as we provide a pre-drawn outline of a rose and bud peony on high-quality Arches Cold Press watercolor paper.\r\n\r\nOur experienced instructor, Elizabeth, will be by your side, guiding you through various watercolor techniques to help you unleash your creativity effortlessly. All materials, including professional-grade M. Graham Watercolor paints, will be provided, ensuring you have everything you need to create your masterpiece.\r\n\r\nFeel free to bring your own paint brushes if you prefer, and remember to dress comfortably, avoiding light-colored attire to prevent any potential paint splatters. Plus, to add to the fun, enjoy a complimentary glass of wine!\r\n\r\nExclusive offer for Wine Club Members: Receive $10 off your ticket! Simply email the wine club at [email protected] for the discount code.\r\n\r\nDon't miss out on this creative adventure! Secure your spot by pre-registering today, as tickets are limited and available exclusively through this platform.",
    "post_title": "Watercolors Made Easy: ROSE",
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    "post_modified_gmt": "2024-04-23 22:28:00",
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    "address": "21338 Oak Lane NE",
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    "zip": "97002",
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    "permalink": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/event\/watercolors-made-easy-rose\/",
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    "website": "https:\/\/acvwine.com",
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    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

Aurora Colony Vineyards

21338 Oak Lane NE
Aurora, OR 97002