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Winderlea Seafood Tower Shell-a-bration


May 16, 2021


11:00am - 4:00pm

Im on the right track


Winderlea Vineyard and Winery



Winderlea Seafood Tower Shell-a-bration

About this Event

Join us as Chef Paul Bachand of Recipe creates his signature seafood towers for a Shell-a-bration in the Winderlea vineyard garden! Guests will receive an additional 10% savings on Chardonnay bottles purchased that day to enjoy on site or at home. Seafood towers will be available in our Winderlea Domes and can be enjoyed with bottle and glass service. Wine Society members receive their membership savings plus an additional 10% on all Chardonnay!

All orders must be prepurchased prior to your visit. Seafood towers only available in the Winderlea Domes.
Seafood Tower Menu
by Chef Paul Bachand of Recipe
generous for 2 | appetizer for 4
Dz Oysters
Dz Mussels
6 Shrimp
4oz Lobster tail
2oz Dungeness crab meat
Scallop crudo
Bread and a seaweed compound butter
All sauces and mignonette

    "ID": 40393,
    "post_author": "2",
    "post_date": "2021-04-16 16:36:59",
    "post_date_gmt": "2021-04-16 23:36:59",
    "post_content": "<div id=\"v1_rc_sig\">\n<p class=\"v1v1v1v1v1v1v1MsoNormal\">Join us as Chef Paul Bachand of Recipe creates his signature seafood towers for a Shell-a-bration in the Winderlea vineyard garden! Guests will receive an additional 10% savings on Chardonnay bottles purchased that day to enjoy on site or at home. Seafood towers will be available in our Winderlea Domes and can be enjoyed with bottle and glass service. Wine Society members receive their membership savings plus an additional 10% on all Chardonnay!<\/p>\n<em>All orders must be prepurchased prior to your visit. Seafood towers only available in the Winderlea Domes.<\/em>\n<strong>Seafood Tower Menu<\/strong>\n<strong>by Chef Paul Bachand of\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/www.recipenewberg.com\/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Recipe<\/a><\/strong>\ngenerous for 2 | appetizer for 4\nDz Oysters\nDz Mussels\n6 Shrimp\n4oz Lobster tail\n2oz Dungeness crab meat\nScallop crudo\nBread and a seaweed compound butter\nAll sauces and mignonette\n<\/div>",
    "post_title": "Winderlea Seafood Tower Shell-a-bration",
    "post_excerpt": "",
    "post_status": "publish",
    "comment_status": "open",
    "ping_status": "closed",
    "post_password": "",
    "post_name": "winderlea-seafood-tower-shell-a-bration-2",
    "to_ping": "",
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    "post_modified": "2021-04-16 16:36:59",
    "post_modified_gmt": "2021-04-16 23:36:59",
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    "guid": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/?post_type=tribe_events&#038;p=40393",
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    "comment_count": "0",
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    "status": "publish",
    "id": 40393,
    "slug": "winderlea-seafood-tower-shell-a-bration-2",
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        "_EventStartDate": "2021-05-16 11:00:00",
        "_EventEndDate": "2021-05-16 16:00:00",
        "_EventStartDateUTC": "2021-05-16 18:00:00",
        "_EventEndDateUTC": "2021-05-16 23:00:00",
        "_EventDuration": "18000",
        "_EventCost": "$100",
        "_EventURL": "https:\/\/winderlea.com\/event\/seafood-tower-shell-a-bration\/?instance_id=6517",
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                "post_title": "Winderlea Seafood Tower Shell-a-bration"
    "address": "8905 NE Worden Hill Road",
    "country": "United States",
    "city": "Dundee",
    "state_province": "OR",
    "state": "OR",
    "province": "",
    "zip": "97115",
    "phone": "503.554.5900",
    "permalink": "https:\/\/www.oregonwine.org\/event\/winderlea-seafood-tower-shell-a-bration-2\/",
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    "website": "winderlea.com",
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        "address": "8905 NE Worden Hill Road, Dundee, OR, 97115, United States",
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    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

Winderlea Vineyard and Winery

8905 NE Worden Hill Road
Dundee, OR 97115