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Wine 102 – Troon Vineyard Estate Location


April 17, 2021


11:00am - 12:00pm

Im on the right track





Wine 102 – Troon Vineyard Estate Location

About this Event

Wine 101 was last month and we had a surface level discussion.
This time, we’re going deep on specific topics such as, wine laws, geographical standards, grape characteristics, winemaking techniques, farming techniques etc. Bring all your questions!
If you would like to attend virtually, there will be a zoom link sent to you via your email confirmation for your reservation. Please call or email with any questions that come up! See you soon!
Ways of Admission:
$30.00 per person or
Buy 2 bottles of wine or
Complimentary for Wine Club members
Please call or email for a reservation!
541-846-9900 ext #1
[email protected]
    "ID": 39554,
    "post_author": "2",
    "post_date": "2021-03-04 10:30:06",
    "post_date_gmt": "2021-03-04 18:30:06",
    "post_content": "<div class=\"o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql\">Wine 101 was last month and we had a surface level discussion.\nThis time, we're going deep on specific topics such as, wine laws, geographical standards, grape characteristics, winemaking techniques, farming techniques etc. Bring all your questions!<\/div>\n<div class=\"o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql\">If you would like to attend virtually, there will be a zoom link sent to you via your email confirmation for your reservation. Please call or email with any questions that come up! See you soon!<\/div>\n<div><\/div>\n<div>\n<div class=\"kvgmc6g5 cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql\">Ways of Admission:\n$30.00 per person or\nBuy 2 bottles of wine or\nComplimentary for Wine Club members<\/div>\n<div class=\"o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql\">Please call or email for a reservation!\n541-846-9900 ext #1\[email protected]<\/div>\n<\/div>",
    "post_title": "Wine 102 - Troon Vineyard Estate Location",
    "post_excerpt": "",
    "post_status": "publish",
    "comment_status": "open",
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    "post_name": "wine-102-troon-vineyard-estate-location",
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    "post_modified": "2021-03-04 10:30:06",
    "post_modified_gmt": "2021-03-04 18:30:06",
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Contact the Venue
