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Wine Club Share: Celebrate The Season on Worden Hill Road


December 1, 2022


12:00am - 11:59pm

Im on the right track



Wine Club Share: Celebrate The Season on Worden Hill Road

About this Event

Wine Club Share: Celebrate The Season on Worden Hill Road

Wine club members receive reciprocal member benefits at four wineries this December, including complimentary tasting and discounts on wine purchases.

Dusky Goose
Holloran Vineyards
Knudsen Vineyards
Winderlea Vineyard and Winery

Club members of these wineries should contact the tasting room for their club for more details.

Not a member? Visit any location to learn how to join!

Hotel and Restaurant Partners:
The Dundee
Field and Stream

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    "post_date_gmt": "2022-12-02 00:20:04",
    "post_content": "Wine Club Share: Celebrate The Season on Worden Hill Road\r\n\r\nWine club members receive reciprocal member benefits at four wineries this December, including complimentary tasting and discounts on wine purchases.\r\n\r\nDusky Goose\r\nHolloran Vineyards\r\nKnudsen Vineyards\r\nWinderlea Vineyard and Winery\r\n\r\nClub members of these wineries should contact the tasting room for their club for more details.\r\n\r\nNot a member? Visit any location to learn how to join!\r\n\r\nHotel and Restaurant Partners:\r\nThe Dundee\r\nField and Stream",
    "post_title": "Wine Club Share: Celebrate The Season on Worden Hill Road",
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Contact the Venue