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Wine Country Cruise-In and Father’s Day Celebration


June 19, 2022


11:00am - 6:00pm

Im on the right track


Willamette Valley Vineyards



Wine Country Cruise-In and Father’s Day Celebration

About this Event

Join Willamette Valley Vineyards on Sunday, June 19th, from 11 am to 6 pm, for our annual Wine Country Cruise-In and Father’s Day Celebration at our Estate in the Salem Hills.

Enjoy a relaxing day at the vineyard featuring a large selection of classic cars, wine tasting and live music. Winery Chef DJ MacIntyre will prepare a special menu item available on the day of the event in addition to offerings on our Daily Pairings Menu.

Tickets are $25 per person, or $15 for Wine Club Members, Owners and their guests. Admission includes a wine tasting flight of our latest releases, live music, a branded Willamette Valley Vineyards Riedel Pinot Glass and access to view the car show. Purchase your tickets online or by calling the winery at (503) 588-9463.

Want to show off your classic car? Entry to showcase your vehicle in the car show is $20 and includes a wine tasting for two. Multiple prizes will be awarded, including the grand prize of $200 and a magnum wine trophy for Best in Show. You may purchase a spot online or by calling (503) 588-9463.

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    "post_date": "2022-06-14 12:58:49",
    "post_date_gmt": "2022-06-14 19:58:49",
    "post_content": "Join Willamette Valley Vineyards on Sunday, June 19th, from 11 am to 6 pm, for our annual Wine Country Cruise-In and Father's Day Celebration at our Estate in the Salem Hills.\r\n\r\nEnjoy a relaxing day at the vineyard featuring a large selection of classic cars, wine tasting and live music. Winery Chef DJ MacIntyre will prepare a special menu item available on the day of the event in addition to offerings on our Daily Pairings Menu.\r\n\r\nTickets are $25 per person, or $15 for Wine Club Members, Owners and their guests. Admission includes a wine tasting flight of our latest releases, live music, a branded Willamette Valley Vineyards Riedel Pinot Glass and access to view the car show. Purchase your tickets online or by calling the winery at (503) 588-9463.\r\n\r\nWant to show off your classic car? Entry to showcase your vehicle in the car show is $20 and includes a wine tasting for two. Multiple prizes will be awarded, including the grand prize of $200 and a magnum wine trophy for Best in Show. You may purchase a spot online or by calling (503) 588-9463.",
    "post_title": "Wine Country Cruise-In and Father's Day Celebration",
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    "address": "8800 Enchanted Way SE",
    "country": "United States",
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        "address": "8800 Enchanted Way SE, Turner, OR, 97392, United States",
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    "thumbnail": {}

Contact the Venue

Willamette Valley Vineyards

8800 Enchanted Way SE
Turner, OR 97392