To develop a taste profile of a region, soil type or style you could visit dozens of wineries one at a time… or you could join one of the many collaborative tastings throughout May and easily explore a variety of producers.
Penner-Ash Wine Cellars by Carolyn Wells-Kramer
To celebrate Oregon Wine Month in May, ten winery groups are collaborating on grand tasting events. A few are ongoing and many more begin throughout Oregon in just a few weeks:
- April 28 in the Willamette Valley
- April 29 in Portland
- May 4 in Walla Walla
- May 5 in Southern Oregon
And more throughout the state…
Winemaker Bertony Faustin of Abbey Creek Cellars by NaschCO Photo
Need even more Oregon wine in your May? Our general events calendar has more than 100 ways to celebrate and is growing by the day, including:
- Live music at wineries
- Mother’s Day brunch options
- Dozens of Memorial Day open house events
- A crawfish boil
And more…