Fullerton Wine Bar and Tasting Room

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1966 NW Pettygrove St, Portland, OR 97209, USA


Out of the dust of World War II, our family witnessed the power of wine to connect, speak, and transcend. Today, we invite you to experience and share in this gift. We source and care for vineyards, both old and new, that display authenticity and character—they speak of their specific place. In the winery, we tend the winemaking process with an artistic and respectful hand, resulting in elegant and distinctive Pinot Noirs and Chardonnays. The wines allow their terroir to transport you to our place, Oregon’s Willamette Valley. The Fullerton Wine Bar & Tasting Room located in the Slabtown area of NW Portland is authentically Pacific Northwest with a Scandinavian heart that brings a taste of Oregon Wine Country to the city. Guests come for hygge hospitality, wines that explore every AVA (American Viticultural Area) of the Willamette Valley, and a delicious bistro menu. We look forward to meeting you and your friends, while sharing our stunning array of elegant and distinctive wines and the story behind them. Tasting Fee: $30 per person, refundable with a wine purchase of $150 or more. Complimentary for wine club members and up to 6 guests. Cheers/Skål!
Fullerton Wine Bar and Tasting Room Logo


Features & Amenities

Bike Friendly

Biodynamic wines

Certified sustainable

Dog friendly

Family friendly

Food for purchase

Large groups welcome (please call ahead)

Oregon Wine Flies Free

Organic wines

Outdoor Seating

Tours available

Wheelchair accessible

Region and AVA











The Rocks district_of_milton-freewater





Fullerton Wine Bar and Tasting Room
Fullerton Wine Bar and Tasting Room
Fullerton Wine Bar and Tasting Room

Where different needs no invitation.

True Portland

Portland is a city of neighborhoods. With more than 30 wineries and 70 breweries, nearly 30 coffee roasters, 1700 restaurants, and artisan makers of every medium, each neighborhood boasts a unique blend of vibrant artists, craftspeople, and shop-local entrepreneurs. These are neighborhoods built by neighbors. Portland offers the best of Oregon Wine without leaving the…